Page 245 - Q4 2024 Stephenson Equipment Catalogue
P. 245


                                                  Under Hoist Stands

        $254 55                $264 45                    $199  95               $233  35

        NRC-81034A             NRC-81035A                 TBQ-UHS03400A          TBQ-UHS01500A
        3/4-Ton Capacity       1.5-Ton Capacity           3/4 Ton Capacity       1.5 Ton Capacity
        Under Hoist Stand      Under Hoist Stand          Under Hoist            Heavy Duty
        with Foot Pedal        • To assist in stabilizing   Stand                Under Hoist Stand
        • Designed to support   and supporting a          • Cast iron handle     • Adjustable saddle screw
         vehicle components,    vehicle that is raised    • Height adjustment     for additional height
         not the vehicle        by an in-ground or         spin handle           • Large saddle with
        • Low height: 55-1/4"   above-ground lift.        • Height                rubber pad
        • Extended              Should be used in          adjustment:           • Five height
         height: 81-1/2"                                   53-1/2" to 80"         adjustments ranging
                               • Low height:              • Base diameter: 12"    from 49-1/4" to
                                48-7/8"                                           79-15/16"
                               • Extended height:

        $214 25                   $244  65                 $267  45                   $380  85
        SUN-6809A                 OTC-UH15                 OTC-UH15FP                 OTC-UH20
        3/4-Ton Capacity          1,500 Lbs Capacity       1,500 Lbs Capacity         2-Ton Capacity
        Under Hoist Stand         Underhoist               Underhoist Auxiliary       High Reach
        • Designed to support vehicle   Auxiliary Stand    Stand with Foot Pedal      Underhoist
         components only          • Min. height: 54-1/4"   • Min. height: 54-1/4"     Supplementary
        • Low height: 53"         • Max. height: 80-3/4"   • Max. height: 80-3/4"     Stand
        • Extended height: 79"                                                        • Min. height: 56-1/4"
                                                                                      • Max. height: 85"

                                               Trailer Stabilizing Stands

        SUN-1622  $350 45            20-Ton Capacity                           NRC-81050  $1081 95
        20-Ton Capacity              Trailer Stabilizing Stand                 50-Ton Capacity
                                     • To stabilize and assist in supporting
        Trailer Stabilizing Stand     the front or rear end of a loaded or     Trailer Stabilizing Stand
        • Designed to stabilize and    unloaded tractorless trailer            • Static load cap.: 100,000 lbs
         assist in supporting the    • Low height: 39"                         • Lifting capacity: 15,000 lbs
         front or rear of a          • Extended height: 50-5/8"                • Removable pipe handle
         tractorless trailer                                                   • Low height: 39"
        • Low height: 39"                                                      • Extended height: 51"
        • Extended height: 50-1/2"                                             • Base diameter: 14"
                                      Item #    Origin                         • Saddle diameter: 8"
                                      NRC-81022B  USA  $611.75
                                      NRC-81022Bi  Imported  $519.05

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